Welcome to Day 1 of your 1KS Roadmap. Today we're going to cover…

→ how to get a few people on your email list to build some momentum


But what if you could start at like 10—or even 20 subscribers?

We're gonna build some really quick momentum today and get some people signed up for our newsletter.



Add some of your regular mail contacts, including your family members who won't be offended by your newsletter (not you, Aunt Karen).

Add some friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, roommates and **exes—**well, maybe not the exes... they've been through enough.

You can add them one-by-one, or add them to a spreadsheet that looks like this 👇 and import it (hint: importing is often quicker)

*GDPR Regulation note: By law, you need explicit consent to even add your friends and family to your email list when sending unsolicited business emails. You can ask them face to face or via a direct message. But be warned, sending even your family member an unsolicited business email is technically against GDPR regulations.

Example of what your spreadsheet might look like but with real people.


You know your family & friends better than I do. So if you want to let them know what you're up to, do that. I don't want to get you in their bad books ;)


So how many did you add? You should no longer be at zero—**but if are—**you can add me to your email list: [email protected]

There — you are officially no longer at zero!


  1. I highly recommend you include a double opt-in option for new subscribers. Most ESPs include the option. This will help your sender reputation and deliverability (both very important!). Worth noting with a double opt-in: your friends and family who you just added to your newsletter will receive an opt-in email. So you might want to make sure you let them know what you're up to ;)

  2. I highly recommend you create an automated Welcome Email so your new subscribers know what to expect. Most ESPs provide this option—though some may include it as a paid feature. Here are few stellar Welcome Email templates from Brian Dean at Backlinko.